Features Of Google Sign In:
1. With this API, the user can unite the function of basic Google account in Apps.
2. There will be no need of re-connecting as the user can edit the GoogleApiClient’s sign-in status.
3. Integration becomes so easy when it requires authentication with a server.
4. The user can directly sign-in without getting permission of the system to access the basic profile.
5. A brand new button for sign-in is discovered which consists logo of this search engine. It performs quicker functions than the earlier version, i.e. 8.1.
6. As far as location is concerned, a new fused location provider application interface (API) has got its first impression. SEO Services India will achieve great help in internet marketing through it.
- It consumes lesser battery.
- The extremely new flushLocations() method will enable the user to make a comeback to the batched locations promptly.
- It tracks the information or data through its connectors, such as GPS, Wifi and cell towers. This feature will trace the location of the phone.
7. If the user wants to pick the anonymous statistics on in-app purchase events, the search engine facilitates through application measurement.
8. This dataApi for wearable helps developer to mark which information is urgent and need to be accessed with immediate effect. It also enables to let the user’s data sync immediately between a smartphone and a smartwatch.
9. A simpler version of App Invites Tool is seen in this new version. With it, the user can send invites to whosoever for establishing his links.
- AppInviteApi.getInvitation() method is discovered for sending invitations to link-up with the app.
- ResultCallback will help in establishing those links through deep link activity. For it, codes are simplified.
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