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How to Use Schema Markup for Boosting Your SEO

Before I move on to state you the steps of using Schema, let’s have a small introduction of it first. Schema markup is an opulent snippet. It carries meaningful information about the webpage in it. If you want the relevant result in a wink, it leapfrogs you. You can catch up the view of the information instantly as you press the enter key if you have Schema design in your website. Can you produce valid reason why one-word keyword failed in supplying the most relevant result to a particular query?
benefits of Schema mark up for SEO

Schema Markup Helps to Supply Exact Answer on SERPs

Well, the search engine is likely to have multiple answers against one word query. The chances will be 50-50 that you will get the most relevant information in one go with it. But if you jumble up the keyword with a couple of more elaborative words, the SERP will pop up the most appropriate answer. It will take it as more semantic approach.

How to Use Schema Markup:

1. Open Google’s ‘Structured Data Markup Helper’: With the opening, the procedure of marking up will begin. The dialog box will show two headers, namely Website and Email. Choose yours.

2. Category selection: From Article, Local Business, TV Episodes with Rating, Restaurants, Book Reviews, Movies, Software Application, Events, Products, You can select the category of your webpage.

3. Tagging URL: Type the url of the webpage which you want to be tagged. At the bottom of the window, the url bar will be given. Pasting URL, click on Start Tagging button. This activity will add load the page in the helper box.

4. Tagging items: Having tagged the url, the top of the Helper box window will show the moving of the procedure from Enter Page to Tag Data. The uploaded webpage will appear in left half of the screen while the related information needs to be filled in the right half of the window pane, including Name, Author, Data Published, Image, Article Section, Article Body, URL, Publisher and Aggregate rating of the ARTICLE. You can fill the items information as I mentioned about Article section.
5. Create HTML: Once schema designer adds up the items, he clicks on CREATE HTML> tab at the top of the window pan. His data will convert into HTML markup which can be visualized after clicking on the tab in window pane.

6. Add on CMS Code: The next step will ask you to add Content Management System (CMS) code to the HTML markup. This is where your web developer mind will reply. Produce the code to highlight the snippet on the vertical scroll bar with Yellow colour.

7. Substitute to adding CMS code: If the above said step seems puzzling, you can download the HTML doc using the Download tab on the top right of the pane. And then, copy/paste the source code. Click on Finish

8. Finishing: Click on Finish tab after doing so. An array of instructions will follow up. Click on Continue tab.

9. Structured Data Testing Tool: Among the array of instructions, you can click on Structured Data Testing Tool to catch the preview of your markup settings. Click on Preview tab given in the right of the bottom in the pane. 

10. Examine markup elements: If I want to look at the elements added in the markup for examining, I can do so also. It lets me edit the HTML schema markup directly.

Schema is for ‘Users’

For example, searching for ‘Best SEO Strategies in India’ rather than ‘SEO’ will let you bring closer to the information what you want to explore. The search engine sheds the spotlight on the webpage to be read instantly to put it on the SERP.

Schema Helps Boosting Webpage Ranking

The statistics states that 3 millions of all websites have adopted this markup for ranking their web content on the top of the search engine. This rich snippet puts the searching on fast-track by producing the marked up information in a jiffy.


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