The digital marketing has a lot of happenings in terms of updates. From media buying into Google Feeds, updates are storming into the E-commerce world. As an e-retailer, you should know these changes during a good time to ensure blockbuster sales in the upcoming Christmas season.
We have one from the Google Merchant Center
and another from the Google Ads, which can define the success of any E-commerce strategies. Let’s start with a big announcement for the Google Merchant Center
account holders that have become a recent trend in this world.
Need of UPI
Those who are on-the-board of the Google
Merchant Center have a moment to cheer. From September this year, the E-commerce
retailers would have an option, i.e. to have or not to have the UPI for selling
products in the global marketplace. The
center would not disapprove your request to sell through shopping ads. However,
those with the correct UPIs now appear in the foremost place amongst all ads.
Simply say, they have gained a priority in the lane of shopping ads.
Here is a list of countries that are undergoing the changes- Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czechia, India, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
· Enforcement Updates
Earlier, it was mandatory to provide a
correct UPI so that it can facilitate the best experience for the customers.
This unique number is handy for Google also to recognise that the particular
products belong to your brand. The merchant center used to abandon retailers
who were deprived of this identifier number.
The non-availability of this unique number has constrained the performance of the items. It clarifies that your ads would occupy place after the competitors who have successfully attributed UPIs to “true”. So, prefer to share the correct identifier number, if you really want to maximize the performance of your products online.
On the flip side, those who have the identifier number & the center has evidence, but they have incorrectly set it to “false”, their ads would be disapproved. According to another standard, the sharing of same GTIN across multiple different products is considered ambiguous and hence, disapproved.
The e-Commerce retailers can improvise the relevancy of their ads for the prospective customers by submitting correct GTIN and MPNs. If you want to get it, place a request to the manufacturer.
The non-availability of this unique number has constrained the performance of the items. It clarifies that your ads would occupy place after the competitors who have successfully attributed UPIs to “true”. So, prefer to share the correct identifier number, if you really want to maximize the performance of your products online.
On the flip side, those who have the identifier number & the center has evidence, but they have incorrectly set it to “false”, their ads would be disapproved. According to another standard, the sharing of same GTIN across multiple different products is considered ambiguous and hence, disapproved.
The e-Commerce retailers can improvise the relevancy of their ads for the prospective customers by submitting correct GTIN and MPNs. If you want to get it, place a request to the manufacturer.
· Why is it significant?
These statistics are enough to explain that no other than this platform can create a buzz about your brand, which now does not need UPIs to share with. Moreover, the UPIs-supported ads are incentivized with the correct data in feeds. These feeds are crucial to stay ahead of your curve, where multiple sellers advertise for the same products. The professionals like Eminenture Technologies can assist and guide on the same.
Cart Metrics in Google Ads:The E-commerce retailers are likely to achieve a breakthrough in the form of the “cart conversions columns” in Google Ads. These paid ads are going to let you catch up with the E-commerce cart data, which enriches you with its insights. Besides, you can derive profitable ideas through the cart transaction data.
· Cart Data
· Why is it required?
- The changes in the Google Ads conversion tracking are undergoing the beta-testing. These are found in the cart data columns as:
- Orders: Sales via ad clicks.
- Average cart size: Sum of items in-cart by number of orders.
- Average order value: Revenue from clicks on ads by the number of orders attributed to ad clicks.
- Cost of goods sold (COGS): Total costs pertaining to a product.
- Revenue: Income from transactions pertaining to ad clicks. It can be calculated by summing up the price of items in a cart pertaining to the clicks.
- Gross profit: Total profit from transactions attributed to an ad click. Calculated as Revenue minus COGS.
- Units sold: Total number of sales of a product
- Product revenue: Total income from a product
- Product gross profit: Total profit from a product
- Product average COGS: Costs pertaining to the product by the number of products sold, and weighted by product impressions
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